Your Missing Key to Your Best Relationship

Colleen Gallagher
2 min readMar 17, 2023

If you are disconnected from what you do with the majority of your time career — how can you truly be connected with an intimate partner?

So many masculine leading beings come to me… and are constantly confused why is every other area of their life working.. but their relationships are disconnected, unfilled, not working, and/or boring…

Well… a simple question is.. how disconnected are you from your career or purpose work?

How disconnected are you from what you spend most of your time doing? YET you expect to feel a connection in another area of your life?

And when high achieving masculine beings come toward me highly confused why their relationships don’t work.. but then begin to see that their emotions are turned off… you begin not to be so surprised…

Because love cannot be emotionless.
It’s not a transaction or daily task you can do and achieve.
It’s like a flowing river that requires attention, presence, constant adaption, and emotional intelligence.

Unfortunately, emotions don’t work in this way like a light switch where we can turn them off and on in different areas of our life and expect to have magical relationships that we deeply crave…



Colleen Gallagher

Colleen is an Intuitive, Creator, Childhood Cancer-Survivor, Podcast Host, Published Author of Books, Educator, Social Media Guide, and