The Reentry of the Love of my Life

Colleen Gallagher
9 min readAug 25, 2021

I texted him as I entered into dinner with a friend, “I decided I don’t want you in my life anymore. I want no communication. Please respect this.” Then I proceeded to block him on every platform possible. It appeared I fell off the face of the earth. I was, in fact, dead gone from his life as he was mine. This occurred after months of passionate, obsessive, madly in love, crazy, head over heels, texting every hour, you can’t not answer the phone when they call, insane arguments yelling at each other to then just make love to each other, type of connection. It felt like there were lifetimes of chemistry, emotional bonding, fairytale love, depth, beauty, pain, moments that stop you dead in your tracks, wondering this is real life? And suddenly, BOOM, the fireworks shapeshift into a bomb, with nothing left yet smoke and mirrors. I’m sure he felt like I was a thief disguised as this beautiful, imaginary princess from his perspective. It would have appeared suddenly; I eagerly ran out the door into a fleeting training rushing out of the station towards the next country to start again. Almost like this was a habit, I pre-planned to choose a man, emotionally get him to fall in love, then torture through a slow death while living. Yet, in truth, this was the beginning of a dark night that would last for nearly eighteen months.



Colleen Gallagher

Colleen is an Intuitive, Creator, Childhood Cancer-Survivor, Podcast Host, Published Author of Books, Educator, Social Media Guide, and