How to End an Over 12-Month Relationship and Feel Good About it

Colleen Gallagher
5 min readJan 28, 2023

How are you?
I hope you are doing amazing.
I’ve had a lot going on this week.

And I wanted to be intimate and personal here in my email list.. before it goes to social media in a few weeks or months.
This week was tender.
It was sore.
It was awakening.
And it had me trust even deeper in God.
It had me surrender that this life has a plan for us beyond what we can imagine.
It had me pray to God in ways that I’d never felt so connected, seen, heard, and felt.
It had me cry deeply and it had me laugh incredibly hard.

As I’m sitting here writing this.
Part of me is still shocked and part of me is deeply grateful.
This week I became single again in my heart, in my mind, and in my body.

Now I am deeply saddened and there is not doubt in my mind that after 18 months of
Listening to someone, growing with someone
Being reliable to someone
Growing through many conflicts
Doing nothing together which meant everything to me
Doing many things together gave me so much…



Colleen Gallagher

Colleen is an Intuitive, Creator, Childhood Cancer-Survivor, Podcast Host, Published Author of Books, Educator, Social Media Guide, and