How to Create Multiple Streams of Income from a Brands Product or Service?

Colleen Gallagher
5 min readOct 18, 2022

People talk about wanting to make more money, but never seem to know how!

Here is the secret and the BEAUTY about CREATING a brand.
Figure out a problem that you have overcome in your life.
Eating Disorders
Substance Abuse

Whatever it is, just identify the problem that you have overcome in your life. Then take time to understand what process you used to overcome your problem — usually, it’s a 3- to a 5-step process. From there, you start to create ways for people to receive solutions to whatever problem you have gone through.

For example, I had a problem living my life just to get money, instead of living my life to be true to who I am. I realized that I had to find a way to live my truth and monetize my life from my truth. I decided to write a book that takes people through a 5-step process to find, speak, and live their truth.

I then monetized this same book in the following ways:
I created a free ebook, that went through the 5 steps I write about in my Live Your Truth book. I used this to capture emails to build an email list and then have an automated email…



Colleen Gallagher

Colleen is an Intuitive, Creator, Childhood Cancer-Survivor, Podcast Host, Published Author of Books, Educator, Social Media Guide, and